Pat Boyle Contracting
SASL Mentoring Program
The success of the Client Training Program (CTP) led to the creation of a Mentoring Program that included the development of a simple, easy-to-use mobile app. Initially the app was being developed to include quizzes to test client’s knowledge of the CTP. Later we also included the course material and animated videos so that clients could easily quickly and easily access the material should they need to review. If the client answered a question incorrectly they were redirected to the program material using links.
The app was developed using and the quizzes were developed using

A guide for mentors was also developed. It included information pertinent to being an effective mentor, including the description and responsibilities of both “mentor” and “mentee”. This guide also included the quizzes (and answers) developed for the mobile app as well as the lessons and illustrations developed for the Client Training Program. The content was developed by Pat Boyle Consulting and design, layout and branding was completed by Innisfree Design.